aNotHer EnTrY

ello bloggers..
Missy N ere..
i just wanna welcome my sweet lil fwen dat had been started to blogging..
yeah to aida..
diz is her blog Ayieda
check it out..
today me n Missy L goes to salon..
to get our hair xtension.. hahahaha..
N wut kaler pink..n L wut merah..
just to let u noe..
this is my 1st time..
yeay me..
L pnah wut dulu..kaler biru..weird kan..
but nnt N nak wut ijau plak la..
just now had another fight wif him..
he just cant b eppy for me..for wht i did..
ade ke mrh sbb N pilih kaler pink..
ello "mr Apish"..!! its my fav color k..
xtgk lg da nak mrh2..
but other than dat..
today my life is just perfect n wonderful..
mybe coz N xpose kot..
haha bodo bg tau sme org..
sori gals..
i dun bring my cable to transfer until next time sweetie!!!
-MissY N-


.fuhsyea. said...

tek!ape nie..ckp lebeh..pic tarak..huhuhu

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