gewd day bloggers!!!
ari nih keluar dgn my 2 sis..
my elder sister n my younger sister..
we decided to watch cicakman 2..
even i've nvr watch d 1st cicakman.. i'm quite blur..
but its interesting..and rase cm bangga lak ade film cm cicakman..
it was grest..d cgi or almost everything..ouh almost!
okies after d great movie dat cost us rm 26 huhuhu..(cant remember..) k wuteva..
we go for shopping and shopping..
owh i just love shopping so much!!!!
maybe i'm born for it..huhu..suke ati je kan,.,.
erm k d thing is..i hv so much fun today..
ive bought so many things for me..n gift for them..
them = my sis and my cute lil cousins
for d record..i didnt buy any cloth today..yeay nita!!
d reason y today is d best day for shopping is coz its year end sale!!!
girls..go out there n
erm k enuff talking n babbling..
eres r sum pic of what i bought today..hihi

g kuar kan duit dulu sblm shopping

it xmas baby!!
toilet is d best place to take pic
sandal= easy for shopping hunting
a cute recordable plush for him.. i just finish recording my voice for him..hope he like it..
2 shawl from bonita..
2 gifts for my lil cousins..[ lisa & azeed dani]
besta electronic dictionary.. my dad buy it for me..hihihi jimat duit..
yeah pasni leh improve my english..
i hope so..
erm theres more tp mls la nak upload lg..
ckp la nih skit..
nnt org kate i show off..
hey back off.. its my blog its my business..
k daa bloggers..
sok i kne bwk leo g last vaccine..

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