gOsSip QuEEn~*

just enjoy diz song while u reading k..
Gossip is idle talk or rumor, especially about the personal or private affairs of others.(wikipedia)
as u all noe gossip is the most fav pasttime..

everyone love juicy gossip and hot story and even a deep secret of sumone..
huhu.. its just another feeling to know... maybe sum ppl may said dat gossiping will not hurt...
but yeah..gossip could hurt sumone feeling..
so watch out wif wht r u really saying bout other ppl..
the point is..
wht is d reason to gossiping.. or talk bout other personal affair???

i dunno exactly.. it just sumtime its feel good to noe sumone secret..haha..
i've been trying to find the answer diz morning..hahah xde kejekan..
erm so i've found diz article.. so i hope u'll enjoy reading it.. u need to noe why u need to gossip before u started babbling bout others affairs!!!!!

The following are five possible reasons people gossip:
  1. An individual has been hurt and retaliates in anger.
  2. An individual is afraid to confront directly.
  3. He or she has a need for attention and approval from certain others to feel accepted.
  4. An individual has the desire to build his or her own position artificially by tearing down others.
  5. Habit. We get used to relating through gossip.
more in http://www.ihdcorp.com/articles-hr/gossip.htm
criusly guys.. u should read..
i've read it.. and d result is..
hahaha..i still love gossip..regardless wht the reason is..

it just FUN!!!!! plus i just want to share opinion aite.. huhhuhu..
okies.. honestly i'm quite bored rite now..
ok i hope u enjoy my boring post for today!!!
keep gossiping wif me guys..
luv u!!mmuuaxx!
xoxo~* -gOssIp qUeEn-


♥ Chacha said...

ahaks.. keep gossip dear..
hehehehe.. berbakul2 r dosa t.. huhuhu.. t kte tObat sesame erk..

.fuhsyea. said...


gossip tuh ngumpat!!

ngumpat tu dosa!!


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