d QuIcKy bLoGgINg
when i say quick blogging..it means that there would not have any music or pic on this post..
cause i'm in the cc..
and d cc its like siput...
FYI i'm UiTM Shah Alam student skrg..
and its damn hard..
everything i should figure it out by myself..
erm kalo mcm dulu ade la gak taklimat for student2 baru..
but skrg sme kne settle sdr..
luckily i have very amazing classmates...
drg sme bende pun tau..
so they would be my source of info..
thanks to aida, fara and ieza..
at first msk sini.. mmg cm bangang je..
asik sesat je..
konon mls jln kaki..
so nek bas la..
sesat smpi g kluar dr uitm..
wah sgt sengal..
so skrg kitorg da rajin2 jln kaki..
wah pnat weyh..
skt kaki..
bukit bukau jln die..
benci ak..
smpi2 fac je muke da serabai..
make up da ilang..
erm tp ok lah dpt jln n melintas dpn doctor2..
n kdg2 engineer2...
okies dats d thing..
bout my other classmates..
drg sme ok la..
it just sum of them N xknal sgt..
erm N kt kelas rapat dgn aida..
but unfortunately aida nak tuka course plak..
dak kecik tuh nak g acc..
erm buhsan tol..
hope die xdpt..
hahaha jht..
erm now i'm worried bout jpa..
peluang nak dpt cm tipis je..
adoi.. da lah x apply pt..
slumber je tau..
theres another aida in my class..
her father is american..
shes quiet pretty and friendly..
at first cm suke ngata2 die gak la..
tp die okies la guys..
very funny..
okies..now N x pki da heels g kelas..
xsanggup tau..
erm pki sandal n wedges je.
rase xnak pki kasut pun ade..
tp N bkn elyana okies..
erm pe lg eyh..
huh..lecturer ku puan bariah sgt grg..
n sgt ptgkan discipline..
ouh 1 more thing..
i hate part 3 student..
they all SUX!!!!
msg to them : "hoit korg igt korg bsr sgt ke..mmg aa bdn korg besar..tp xyah aa nak wut suke2 ati korg je..korg budget korg je ke ade dip..da cm besar sgt ke korgnye diploma tuh weyh...tolong aa behave.. muke ctk tp perangai cm smph same je wei..g mati la korg.."
wah ak geram weyh...
ilang keayuan ak kejap..
ahaks.. glew kentang babe.. nyway keep on stdying k... t ca dtg visit agi taw.. hikhik.. psl dak part 3 tuh pesal.. hentak je pale dorg tuh... hahaha.. t ca dtg kte hentak sme2 k...
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