*aDd oN*

basically tis is an add on from wut N has written before....well, L wanna wish sum1 who quit important in L life which my senioR in UTM....today is his besday.....HAPPY BURFDAY...tp L x tau besday die yg ke brape....hahaha...cuz L dont care..cuz age is juz a silly number...rite..!damn rite...hmmm....yg pasti nyer die da melebihi 25 asenyer r...huhuhuh....

weLL, dont blame me,cuz its not my fault to (Shi2) in da middle of da mubie...slahkan pop corn yg TGV jual... criusLy eating da pop corn make drinks double than kebiasaan...huhu...da best part is...N suoh L tahan sampai habis mubie...die kate lg ckit jer nk abis mubie nie...padahal...ada lg 30 minit....mane nk tahan...niway N thank dear,cuz choose me over da mubie...hahaha ...
seb baek toilet sblah jer...

MOraL of da story.......Jgn mKN pop corn TGV....hahaha

tidak d lupekan thanks 2 eimir....sdap mkn pizza 2...hik2(bler org blanje mmg sdap)....hahaha..

da best part is...kami bersetuju ngan yg one of our *fWEND* is da emos person in da whole wide world...nglahkan pompuan yg period...L tot mybe he almost monopouse ...ops!..eimir kate lelaki x monopouse tp estrapouse...tah btol tah tidak....hik2
criusly...L da x tahan ngan perangai die yg tah pape 2...personaliti die cm Annuar iBrahim,yg suke blaming org x tentu psal....mcm dlm berite hr nie...
ad ker annuar die slahkan sume org...i mean melibatkan sume orang dlam kes liwat die...
hellloooo...ops!...X LEYH Lebey2...hik2

plus, u guys prasan x tyme u guys g shopping tyme x de duet...sume bju chantek jer...tp tyme da ad duet..sume bju x kene....hihih
its true...cuz its happen 2 me....
tensi jer x dpt beli bju smalam...waaa~

niway...tat all 4 2 day...
c ya~



.fuhsyea. said...


cantek ar kau punye background title tuh..

ko bwat sendiri ke???

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