sEasOn oF tHe BoYs bEiNg cRaZy~*

as the title said...its really a chaos this week..
for me N & L act...
sumthing dat we never tot will happen when we're eppy as single cute lil angel..
d boys are act chasing us down...
maybe diz is wut they said but the karma thingy..
where's now d boys(boys dat dump us)...i think they just being crazy..
or maybe diz is the season 4 them 2 "mengawan"..
hahaha..i dunno..
but honestly its totally weird and annoying..
damn weird...cuz after a long tyme N & L try 2 forget bout them...well it not an easy job for us 2 just forget wut they did 2 us....all tis while tears is our bestfwend.....

n now...after all the hard work..they juz came out from no where, making our life miserable again....forcing us to be sumting that we dont want to be...

hellow...we're not a whore....

We have dignity........sumting that no one can take from us! yeah...damn rite...we hv proven that we still live a normal life without u, da one that so called guyz we hv an awesome life....

believe it guyz..u 'll r so last season....

gurlz power......
we like d way we r now..
dun hv any intention at all to changed up to b sum1 else just 2 b with u...
just deal wif it..or u r free to go darl...
dats all for now..
-L & N-


.fuhsyea. said...

hahahah tak tahan yg musim mengawan tuh babe..


yeah wot goes around comes around..

thats why aku ckp jgn cari diorang..

sbb nye diorang akan cari kte blk..

aku rase tu lumrah ar..


but anyways..

wot past is past..

just look foward to ur future girls..

dont look back in anger..

ehcen da mcm title lagu dahh..


♥ Chacha said...

ahaks... tol tuh org diatas.. disokong 100%.. hehehe..
single is great dear...

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