# L isback #

tHis song does not dedicated to anyone
jUst EnJOy d MusIc peePs~*

mis$y L

wuts up.... L is back on track...jeng2...
N must be damn suprise bout it....hahaha....

niway 2day...L nk mintak maaf sgt Ngan one of my bestie.....yg semestinyer bkn N...huhuh...
hopefully A will forgive n forget....hihihhi....leyh x...cuz L da ase serbe salah sgt nie.....waaa~

mood 4 2Nite...damn bored and damn cold...Flu attack....aduh.....cmne nk berbisnes nie.....need help from N...plish...

Niway...N da bnyk tlg 2day...N mesti nyesal da lpz nie x nk dtg umah L...yelah...mne x nyer kne kerahan tenaga....hik2

not in da mood for blogging...but trying 2....cbe teke sape yg L terserempak ptg td....damn it he hot....ttbe L tersuke kat....let me name him as Z...hihih...
tp cm mustahil jer...cuz L know wut kinda gurl he like....n L sudah semestinyer bkn gadis pilihan...waaa~sedey2....
tp x per.......kumbang bkn sekuntum....
L deserve more than tat.....huh...

miSsY N
amboi2...gler blog ea...
niway thankz dear...u such a gud fwend...
change my pic...yg x chantek N letak.....nanes kang.....haaaa....

c ya...

first editing by L


Fakhrul Syakirin said...

hey gurl...

nice words...

well arrange points...

gler poyo komen aku...
for instnce, bestla..
seyes best n chantek...

aku dh pji ni, banje aku nnti...

yes,really gud...

::Cik Zatie:: said...

wey..jgn lupe link kn blog ak skali..heheh

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