# AmBeR aLerT #

heLLo blogger!

L here...

a quit shocking news for L, n maybe all da malaysian....

da story began wit...smalam mse L kat umah my aunt kat bangi...ngah duduk2 tgk tv...

well actually tgh tgk berite....mlam 2 sume cter psal knaikan gaji la watever la...alih2 breaking news our gabenor of bank negara malaysia Dr.Zeti letak jawatan...

cm x caye jer...x pnah dalam sejarah a gabenor letak jawatan...lebey2 ag Dr.Zeti is a wise women...L very admire her....

mne x nyer...die gabenor wanita negara yang di pilih..yet, dpt tmpat pling tinggi......she is my idol....GurL power!

lpz berite 2 jer...mcm2 bermain d fikiran...there must b sumting wrong bout it...

cuz Dr.Zeti is very gud in meramal ekonomi malaysia..n ramalan die selalu tpt.....

since world news today asik cerite pasal kenaikan harga minyak jer....Dr.Zeti mesti dpt agak wut will happen next...2 yg die letak jwatan...mne la tau....2 jer wut L think...niway Dr Zeti is not married...but she damn sucessfull in life....2 thumbs up....

next station....

L ad la knal ngan one guy nie...quit good looking but a little bit belagak.....heh...

die pnah ckp yg die x kesah kwn ngan saper2...tp sebenarnyer die sangat memilih kwan....well die kaye L x....so, when he needs me , he will find me....

tp when L needs him...he will totaly ignore me....

N know who is he...pnat da N bagi nasihat kat L....suoh abaikan jer jantan 2....
tp L not kinda fwend yg sanggup dump any of my fwend..for L...once we were fwend it alwiz b fwend....unless u backstabbing me...then its done! fwend no more!

nape la kat dunie nie still ad org yg cmnie..heelllloooo...
yg kaye 2 parent korunk....bkn nyer korunk...so x yah nk belagak ngan kekayaan parents yg blom tentu jd milik korunk....

dun worry ..... i can totaly live without u !
i still got my family n my fwend to watch my back!


niway N, patung yg kte kejar hari2 bkn buaya..its a dinosour!...



TaLeS oF 2 sIsTeRs said...

owh dino ke..
erm but i guess its totally cute then "baby"..haha u noe wut i mean kan..

blogger, its gonna be a blast this july...
more hot story coming up!!!!!

cant wait!!

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